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Old 03-14-2013, 01:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Air&Road View Post
Here he is fulfilling his role as Commander in Chief

At least it depicts him doing something besides stealing Trillions of dollars from our Grand Children in the form of MASSIVE debt!
Actually, Larry you were correct regarding the debt. It is in the trillions and a lot more than folks realized. Even those who claim it's just interest payments, or Bush's fault, or some "other" reason other than B.O.'s really don't have much to offer. The Congressional Budget Office recently said (last week) that President Barack Obama’s tax and spending policies will yield $6.4 trillion in deficits over the next decade, more than double the shortfall in CBO’s own fiscal baseline — even after taking credit for reduced war costs. If I recall correctly, when B.O. took office, our National debt was over $10 Trillion and now it is about $17 Trillion. I thought B.O. made one of his many campaign trail promises to reduce the debt/deficit by how much again ? I thought he said 50% or so? I am not a math whiz, but about $7 Trillion during the last 4 years sure sounds like a lot. Even the really, really clever guys will have to work up a really fancy mathematical formula to deflect approximatley $7 trillion dollars away from B.O.'s ledger sheet. I know, my math must be off because maybe I don't understand interest payments, the costs to manage all the past president's spending, or whatever reasons that can suggested. Admittedly, other presidents have created "public debt", but get real here. As for the tank parody, be careful Larry, you might be declared unpatriotic by some. Heck, wasn't it B.O. who called someone "unpatriotic" because that person was involved in creating public debt ? Anyways, you were correct in your statements that B.O. is truly responsible for causing our grandchildren to be burdened by trillions (with a "s") of current public debt creation. The CINC on a tricycle ... that was funny too. I saw the tight knit community of B.O. supporters all dog pile on your comment/thread. But even the basic rules of math cannot be escaped --even if the whole forum wants to dog pile on Larry, the numbers seem pretty clear. But then again, the same tight knit community seems to self congratulate themselves for being right and everyone else being wrong. It is sort of like listening to MSNBC ... ugh ...
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