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Old 09-03-2013, 11:17 AM
jcyuhn jcyuhn is offline
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Originally Posted by TimFreeh View Post
In general they are pretty solid engines, the supercharger isn't bulletproof at all - service life seems to be 130-180k miles and then the bearings start to make noise and it you ignore it for too long the complex rotor lobes will start interacting and then things really get interesting. Unfortunately the supercharger is switched on by an electro-magntic clutch that is also susceptible to wear and these often also have to be replaced. You're looking at approximately 2K for the supercharger and the clutch assembly.
What is the failure mode of the supercharger clutch? On the 55K cars the electromagnetic clutch is also a common fault. On that engine it is the bearing in the clutch which generally fails. However it is possible to source a replacement bearing in the aftermarket and repair the clutch at minimal cost; no more than $100 for parts and machine shop services. Is a similar repair possible on the C230 supercharger clutch?
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