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Old 11-30-2013, 06:22 AM
TwitchKitty TwitchKitty is offline
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Originally Posted by MTI View Post
If a person who is assaulted is killed, then the charge of a homicide would apply. It may not be murder (intent) but certainly manslaughter. For attempt to be brought, the prosecution would have to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the accused intended to kill, or acted with such reckless disregard that a death would be more than likely to occur.
That's nice. A drinking driver is charged with murder because another sober driver turns left in front of her and suicides on her front bumper. A person can intentionally punch you in the face and kill you and it is a game. Logic 101. If they shoot you it is the gun's fault.

'Cause all thugs have an inherent natural talent for divining the fine line between temporary unconciousness in a victim and permanent unconsiousness. They are probably born of long lines of anesthetists. Just like lawyers and judges can divine intent.

Why not embrace the game and use it for a lottery? If you survive the knockout you get a monthly check for life? Wait? ...
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