1990 190e 2.6 air injection code
Just did a full engine rebuild and we're up and running. Problem: Check engine light comes on revealing a Code 11 (air injection pump problem). California car, so I can read the codes myself via LED light near battery. No symptoms, car is running great. Was having trouble with check engine light prior to the rebuild, but not as consistent. Not sure what those codes were as I didn't know how to check them at that time. Air injection pump comes on for 1-2 minutes when engine is cold and then shuts off (as I think it is supposed to). One thing I noticed is that it will sometimes come on even after the engine is warm for only a few seconds and then shut off.
Need a little help diagnosing my problem. When I put the engine back in the car after rebuild, had a little trouble hooking up all the vacuum lines in the engine compartment and I think one or two of them may be incorrect. Does anyone with my same car or engine have a photo(s) of their engine compartment with the air cleaner off they can post on the forum or email to me? I am particularly interested in vauum lines running from EGR valve and air injection pump over to the intake manifold area.
Anyone else ever dealt with this? Input would be greately appreciated. Car has new oxygen sensor, by the way.