Originally Posted by spark3542
I ran my 97 E300D on creative fuel for virtually all of the 72,000 miles I put on it. Homemade BD mostly, but I also experimented with many miles of WVO/RUG blend. It liked this blend except in cold Feb. temps when starting times got extended and startup smoke. Went back to BD and all was well. Sold the car when it started rusting beyond what I wanted to deal with, and also had my eye on a 320CDI. Never had problems with the rubber bits disintegrating.
112,000 miles on creative fuel on my CDI so far and lovin' it.
I haven't heard anything positive coming out of running CDIs on Biodiesel. There was never any actual proof proven so far to back up the claims, but at 112K miles it sounds like you're going to be doing fine in the long-term.