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Old 03-09-2015, 01:14 AM
Cloudsurfer Cloudsurfer is offline
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Originally Posted by strelnik View Post
I have now acquired two motorized filter set-ups used to pump up to 16 gallons of motor oil per minute through a 6 micron filter.

Additionally, I have acquired two Air Force portable (not really-- 700 lbs) rolling centrifuge/biodiesel labs that were used on B-52; and a smaller commercial centrifuge.

When the damn weather gets warmer and I get a better supply of WMO, I will first heat all my WMO to at least 150 degrees, then pump it twice through the 6 micron filters. Following that, depending on the results, we woill look at centrifuging the oil 5 gallons at a time untoil it is nothing but oil, with a fairly low pH.

I'm going to take a small sample to a lab to ensure that the particulate size is small, can also get a viscosity reading on the oil.

I say this because I might not use this as fuel only, but as super lube for the fuel system if the lubricity holds out.

This will have to wait a month as the weather warms and I refine my experiments.

Haha what are these AF "centrifuge/ biodiesel labs?" Depending upon what these actually are, if you'd like to part with one, I may be interested....
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