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Old 07-19-2015, 12:28 AM
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moon161 moon161 is offline
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Yes, I have never laid hands on one, but am familiar with at least the design installation. I was an active participant in the frybrid forum and ran and modified an SVO system on my 240D, and will do the same on my 190D shortly. If you're not too far from Buffalo, NY, could I pick up or cover shipping on the remains?

The frybrid system uses a coolant heated supplemental fuel system to provide heated vegetable oil to the injector pump at a design temperature of 160F or higher. Once turned on it switches from diesel to SVO when the coolant temperature reaches 160F. A purge button is used to flush SVO from the injector pump about 30 seconds before you stop and turn the motor off.

You should find coolant, fuel and electrical additions to the stock system.

Does it look like there is an electrical sender on the aluminum fuel tank in the back?

The design installation of the frybrid system uses a spare fuel tank with coolant heated pickup and aluminum tube in hose (TIH) WVO fuel lines, a heated SVO filter and a 'final' heat exchanger- either a coiled tube in shell or flat plate heat exchanger (FPHE), probably installed near the engine.

2 or 3, depending, Hydraforce solenoid valves, probably installed near the engine. (Black or silver metal squares with 3 ports and 1 or 2 wires. You should be able to follow these wires to the frybrid electrical controller)

So, there's a bunch of things not supplied by mercedes, coolant, fuel electrical. They should tee into the respective lines, and you can disconnect these things at these points. I would love it if you could do so with a little care and I could take these things off your hands.

There are also some changes made to the hose routing to the lift pump and the stock fuel filter because the lift pump was shared by the diesel and SVO fuel systems and the passage between the fuel return line and the diesel filter should have been blocked to prevent cross contamination of SVO into the diesel filter. You might need to replace the hollow bolt on the stock filter.

To avoid splice points, I'd just replace the lower coolant hose and coolant line from the back of the head to the heater control valve. These are the points that were probably tapped to supply coolant to the frybrid system and return it.

Electrically, you probably just have a wire tapped to IGN HOT (12V if the car is turned on, like the radio) feeding the Frybrid controller.

Fuel wise, I'd just replace the fuel lines, running one from the hard line to the (lift pump or filter) and one from the return to the hard line.

There's some particulars, I'll take a look at my 240D and notes and sort it out.

All things are burning, know this and be released.

82 Benz 240 D, Kuan Yin
12 Ford Escape 4wd

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