I'm curious how much good water injection would do for cleaning the injectors/prechambers since the water comes directly in through the intake into the cylinder...
I suppose when the steam expands, it would get to the chambers... not sure about the injectors though.
I also think I have a little air trapped in the loop. I've looped the return back to the inlet on the lift pump. I'll probably add a couple ball valves so I can open the loop and purge the air... might get to that tonight if I have time.
I also need to check the timing chain and bump the timing up a little... I also have no idea how many miles are on this thing... seems to start quick (8-10sec glow with old style plugs) and it fires right up) so I suppose the engine is somewhat healthy.
While running, if you pull the oil fill cap, how much venting (blowby) is normal? Just checking things over and making sure its not hurt.