Thread: Damn this salt!
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Old 03-09-2003, 01:50 AM
Posts: n/a
Talking matching....................................


Hello, you sound like an impressionable kid........................

Do not enable yourself to be taken in by your peers!

Nothing is PERFECT............please elaborate how many automobiles you have been INTIMATE with.

YOU have some rust issues. No s**t sherlok!..................

Get whatever doors you need from a BONEYARD somewhere down south or out west...................can you handle a socket wrench?

PAY EXTRA.....................If your Benz is a stock color, then spend a little extra and SPECIFY the COLOR thet YOU want and or need. Do not settle for anything less. Sometimes one will feel otherwise and perhaps be intimidated..........F**K 'em! Drive the BIT*H until it dies...............the ORIGINAL paint will match BETTER with doors etc from a "dead man's special" than you can your money and pick up something for your head and keep smiling.......................OR just let them (who are they?) beat your ass and let you become intimidated because of the BULL***** are in CONTROL!!!!!!!!!........ Personally, I have destroyed at least 30 cars at least..........

Be happy and NOT your Benz into the ground and then throw it away! Sometimes ONE has the space to keeep the throw away for future scavenging.........IF this is the case, then you are in the MINORITY! Don't let them give you any shi*!

You WILL be stronger and SMARTER in the long run.

Keep those DIESELS humming!

Spo out.
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