Originally Posted by Zulfiqar
There is a unique problem in the horizon.. in some countries this data will be demanded by law to ticket/fine the driver of the car if he/she broke the speed limit, did an illegal lane change, running red light/stop sign by accident etc etc etc.
Wont be a nice day when you check your mailbox and find that your car ratted you out to the cops and half your paycheck is earmarked for the fines.
So what? Most modern cars (not just EVs) already have black boxes that can record event data which can be used in accident investigations. The cell phone in your pocket is constantly recording and reporting your location and activities. Most free Apps are financed by selling your private data to 3rd parties.
The scenario you describe isn't something new or unique to EVs.
Originally Posted by Dubyagee
Mileage tax is not the answer either.
For EVs? Why not?