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Old 09-29-2018, 12:48 PM
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ArcaicAeronaut ArcaicAeronaut is offline
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Originally Posted by rocky raccoon View Post
Have you changed the fuel filter? It is located in the fuel cluster just aft of your right rear wheel. That cluster includes two fuel pumps. BOTH must run, the filter and a valve (don't recall the name) that maintains fuel pressure for easy restarts.

The entire cluster of components is easy to dismount and test or rework on the bench. Clamp your fuel line closed before removal. Inspect your filter carefully. If it shows signs of serious contamination, you may be faced with removal and cleaning of the fuel tank. Not uncommon after extended storage.
Just an update for all of these posts, and thank you very much.

The update:

I could not hear the fuel pumps run and after testing them, I ended up replacing both fuel pumps and the fuel filter. I replaced the fuel relay also. I drained the fuel tank and ended up replacing the fuel tank outlet hose that was rotting a breaking up as I tried to cut a piece away.
Now I had excellent fuel pressure, still no start.
I checked for and have good spark, when I used starting fluid the engine started immediately for a second or two.
Next step, I noticed that when I broke the connection between the fuel injectors and the fuel distributor that I was getting no fuel. When I cracked the EHA or fuel in line to the fuel distributor I had good pressure and copious fuel. I had read that the fuel distributor could gum up from the ethanol fuels and I ended up rebuilding the fuel distributor. The inside was pretty clean, but the diaphragm was starting to degrade. Anyway with that done I still am not getting any fuel to the intake.
I don’t know if the EHA is the correct term for the part on the fuel distributor, but it appears to be a electro hydro mechanical fuel shut off from what I have read. I applied 12 volts to the EHA and could hear a faint click like it was opening. With a small rubber hose I blew through the unit and it opened and let air through when I applied voltage, so I don’t think it is that. I have the KE-Jetronic fuel system.
I am trying to educate myself on the Bosch CIS system, and I believe with the cold start part of the system that the engine should start, at least try to start, as long as there is fuel to the system. If anyone can help me determine where the road block to the fuel is in my system, I would be greatly appreciative.
Things I have done so far:
• New Battery
• New fuel relay
• New fuel pumps
• New fuel filter
• New fuel tank exit hose
• Fuel distributor rebuild
Update: I have checked the FD upper outlets to find they are dry. I've tried jumpering the 7-8 to get the fuel pumps to run continuously, then pressing down the airflow plate there is still no sign of fuel (ether a chirp or sound or smell of fuel). There is good fuel pressure to the bottom of the FD (by loosening the return line I get good spray and flow). Same on pressure measuring port. When I break the cap on the cold start injector there is good fuel pressure and fuel, however it is obvious that that is as far as the fuel is getting. That injector is not opening either. I have tried loosening the upper FD lines (several at a time) and using either the 7-8 cross jumpered for fuel pump running and also with the fuel relay reinstalled to crank over the engine. All the upper FD fittings remain dry.
These are all the same indications I had before rebuilding the Fuel Distributor (FD). What can I check next?
And I told my dad this would be an easy fix Help
From what I have read fuel pressure is very important. If it is too high will a valve stop it from flowing into the top of the FD?
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