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Old 12-09-2018, 05:32 PM
Mxfrank Mxfrank is offline
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Originally Posted by Father Of Giants View Post
My question is WHY?

Lets break this down with FACTS .Only 28% of the total output of emissions is caused by transportation.
Only 3% of passenger vehicles sold are diesels. Add to that, nitrous oxide only makes 5% of ALL the TOTAL SUM of all emissions. Of that TOTAL SUM of all nitrous oxide, the vast majority of it is SOIL MANAGEMENT, transportation only accounts for a mere 5% of it. Stationary engines another 5%.
Click on nitrous oxide to see the facts.

The EPA themselves even stated that Nitrous oxide make up a relatively small percentage of transportation emissions.

If my math is right, transportation only accounts for .05% ( to 1% if you want to include stationary engines) of the TOTAL Nitrous Oxide output.

Why ban something that's BARELY contributing to the total sum of emissions? What impact will that make? Let me help you out, next to none. Diesels are merely a scapegoat for a political agenda.

Liberals/leftist want to ban something with no good reason why, even when logic/facts topples said reason/issue.

Laughable, Diesels are destroying the United States, but cold hard facts refute such BASELESS claims

Life follows art. Just watched Jean Sheppard's Christmas Story for the umpteenth time. This response reminds me of Ralphie's fantasy when he turns his theme into the teacher. It was beautiful until he gets his actual grade.

Check your math, review your premises, read your own links, and try not to shoot your eye out.
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