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Old 03-08-2019, 03:39 PM
barry12345 barry12345 is offline
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The current state of illusions.

I find I cannot post on certain things. Simply because of the illusions that have grown. I am well aware that many can see through the initial illusion. Then I have noticed it is also backed up by yet another illusion usually.So what is not true the person believes the evidence is there that proves otherwise. Simply based on a multi illusional situation. Reality is gone as the cost. Yet it still remains present. Yet not addressed.

When even that is not enough. Initially bury the issues that the illusions must be created for otherwise. I see it as pretty much a constant in a lot of things today. At the same time the purveyors of this get caught up by it as well. So it seems both counterproductive and dangerous. simply because there is absolutely where a situation with no reality will take people.

I am a simple person that tries to perceive the realities of all kinds of things. I find that today I have to dig back through all the false information or true illusions out there first. Far too often.

For several years I thought it was not really that bad. Because I could as an individual get around them reasonably well. Plus somehow the economy still functioned for the vast majority. Seeming tolerant of the illusions.

Until the last few years when I came to realize the illusions where not only damaging. They were destroying everything that I felt was good about our earlier period of life.

How can one describe what has occurred? Brainwashing does not seem totally adequate. I became aware that certain subjects where not wise to discuss. Simply because it might challenge beliefs that were nothing but illusions that were intentionally generated. Plus backed up with yet more that seemed to make the more common held belief seemingly even more valid.

A simple example. I stumbled upon some interesting global warming information. I could not post it as I felt it is thought that it is not that big of an issue. This was a constructed illusion that has been created and fostered on purpose. The majority as a result possibly have absolutely no conception of just how important this issue really is. Or that it is not something in their own future to be concerned about.

I am not some form of ecological nut. I did go looking of how this false illusion had been created. First it was suppressed I think as scientists that study the biosphere pretty much exist on government grants. Easy to accomplish this until they have started retiring and are coming forward.

The only thing that occurred earlier was some pollution suppression was mandated for internal combustion engines. Plus perhaps some limitation of smokestack emissions. They are still putting or fronting out illusion generating people. That nobody even verifies they are just not stooges. Yet nobody checks to see if these people are even scientists. Even if they claim to be. The created illusion is believed instead. The objective is achieved. Support the illusion.

A simple example. The Colorado river dried up so much the Hoover dam was seriously reduced in function during parts of 2018. Many things of this scope are actually occurring or have. Most where for cast in the early 1970s.

The things that had to be done to stop the strong possibility of the presence of people on the surface being eliminated. Where known but buried. The overall human race has lost this earlier opportunity and cannot get the situation back.

It seems pretty certain now that serious effects will be upon the earth in less than ten years now. I think the time and situation does not allow enough time to replace all burning of fossil fuels totally with alternatives. For some possibility of humans to avoid going the way of the prehistoric animals.. Oil must become a totally worthless commodity with combustion of it totally banned. As well as coal. . It really is not subjective now.

Yet the intentionally generated illusions have buried the most important issue of the world fairly well so far. There were far more and serious forest fires around the world last year than ever recorded in modern times. As the world warms agriculture fails and trees burn. It is just the way of nature.

The biomass of wild animals since 1971 has already fallen to half. These are just the minor things in comparison to the feedback loops of a warming world. Yet still media coverage is supressed. All real scientists now believe what is going to happen.

Some humans survived the last ice age ten thousand years ago. If there are any survivors of global warming it will only be in the thousands. If I did not really care about other people I would not feel the urgency for their sakes.

At 77 this summer I probably will be gone before the onset of the more serious components. I have seen progessive estimates of the changes. Done by scientific groups on the biosphere. To put it simply it is about the thickness of a layer of saran wrap on a basketball in comparison. Man has continued playing with fire. Even after the awareness of the fact.

The scientists do not forcast the doom but the conclusion from the maps etc. Of things like the drought patterns already started. People are going to starve to death cannot be eliminated as an obvious conclusion. Billions of them.

We as a dominate specis have already managed to beat nature in our existing numbers. We only eat well still because of the invention of pesticides etc. Why are all the illusions presented? Having an economy and dealing with the work to extend mans time on this world. Are totally incompatable. You can have one but not the other.

There are other examples in our solar system. Venus had water at one time is felt certain. So they had water and an atmosphere. Today it has no water or atmosphere and a surface temperature of eight hundred degrees.
The reality is there is not much sense attempting to discuss it. The illusions of the severity and the much shorter time frame left. Will be generally maintained until the serious reality normally unfolds . The point of no return for the next ten years has passed in most scientists estimates. At the very best we might reduce it by .5C of a degree and that is not certain. In less than ten years.

They do insist it is better to still try than not. Projections are now 2C degrees with as much as 3C degrees possible now before ten years are past. At a total increase of 6C degrees we no longer live here. It may not take that much with unexpected feedback loops. That are almost impossible to guess at.

Yet the fight for dominace in oil moves right along like business as usual. We might be able to build enough solar panels in mass production for that expenditure. It is an old adage of history that governments will pay any price to stay in power. If it takes becoming totally subservient to corporations they have no issues with it. Whatever it takes applies.

In conclusion there is always a sliver of hope. Perhaps my frustration of what I see being done in many things cannot be changed. Simply because the illusions are so dominant now. Something can be totally black. Yet people can be convinced in general to go along with believing it is white. We indeed have mastered the art of compounding illusions.

I have weighted the risk of being thought insane or unbalanced. In posting anything like this. At the same time if some think that.

Checking sources to verify what I have found may help them beat some of the illusions down for themselves. For example I know there will be some that still think that there is no global warming. Or even if there is it is insignifigant. As consequences if any are a long way into the future.

At my age perceived time moves faster. I am all too aware of short a time that may really be. If I were twenty it would seem much further away.

We should have acted as soon as the mass of the ice on the poles started to seriously decrease. The northern hemisphere is semi isolated from the southern one. If there was a form of natural earth warming the south pole would have experienced a similar melt off. Instead the predominate amount of destruction to the northern hemisphere is most likely. As we produce a constant heavier rate of damage to its atmosphere. Also we add heat by burning fossil fuel at the rate of about what one atomic bomb a day would contribute
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