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Old 08-04-2019, 03:29 AM
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lsmalley lsmalley is offline
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The part is relatively inexpensive and easy to replace for peace of mind. If you want to bench test it. Run 2 long leads to the connector and connect the other ends to the sensor. Use a thermometer and you can either dip the probe end into water and take readings of the temp and resistance and note when the fans turn on.....or just use a heat gun and very careful heat the probe end for faster results. TBH, unless you're planning on modifying it, who cares about the values, readings/resistance, etc. As long as your fans turn on when the temp reaches the specified on value, I believe at 105°C, then you're good to go. Or you can simply get rid of that sensor and swap it for an on/off temp switch which will function the same way, minus having resistors/values to worry about.

1990 190E 3.0L
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