Thread: Alpine Nav
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Old 07-27-2003, 05:01 PM
dtkw dtkw is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Indiana
Posts: 110
DR /// AMG, I am still learning how to use this navigation. So far I am pretty happy with it. You could find the address by entering the phone number of the places that you want to go and store them into the address book. The screen is big enough but once it up, it blocks some of the buttons and switches of the dash. I also hooked it up with an Alpine CD changer. To my sursprise, it is the same as the Mercedes Benz one. So, I could use my old MB changer magazines with it. And if you want to, you could get a Alpine DVD and CD player that you could watch DVD movies on. I didn't because I do not want to be distracted by a movie.
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