400e failed NJ emmision inspection
People I need your help in trying to get my 92 400E (170K Mi) to pass NJ emmision inspectoins. I just came back from the inspection station the only reason it failed was HC (hydrocarbon)too high of 102 maximum is 100. Other readings:
NOx not tested or no result indicated.
HC 102 max 100 FAIL
CO% 0.28 max 0.50 PASS
CO2% 13.9 no mximum indicated on report
test was at 2520 RPM wheels were not turning (not dynomometer).
I will tell the recent repair history of the car:
O2 sensor 2 years or ~ 30K mi ago
fuel filters 1 year ago.
Distributer cap, rotor, spark plugs, spark plug wires, and fuel pressure regulator, and injector cleaning 6 months ago. The current gas milage is on the poor side. any clues of how to address or reduce the hydrocarbon level? I hope you tell me to change the cat.