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Old 04-28-2004, 09:16 PM
Posts: n/a
These are lousy, camera phone pictures but they were quick and easy. As you will see the building is just a ratty old tin hay barn, but it is coming together with concrete floor, adequate wiring and will take shape with benches, shelves and a two post lift as time moves along. My lift should be here in a week or two.

The first picture is looking from the woodshop (low roof side) toward the car shop side. There is still lots of construction mess.

You should be able to see in this picture that there's lots of light. The fixtures aren't perfect for the application, but they were filthy cheap. They are high bay, metal halide hanging about 13 feet from the floor.
Attached Thumbnails
Excited about my "NEW" Shop Building-car-shop-area.jpg  
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