Thread: Death and Dying
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Old 06-21-2004, 07:37 PM
Chaosmosis Chaosmosis is offline
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Well, I thought I'd never get a chance to dig out my experience and thesis, so here you go.....take from it what you will





At that time the Spirit (mind's eye may be a good way to put it) came upon me. It seemed as if the sound of wind or rushing water enveloped me. As I lay under the power of God, it seemed that I stood on a plain somewhere and could see for miles and miles around me, just as one can stand on one of the great plains of our nation and gaze off into the distance for miles in every direction.

I looked in every direction but I could not see a sign of life anywhere. There were no trees or grass, no flowers or vegetation of any kind. There were no birds or animals. I was not conscious of my earthly surroundings, but seemed to be standing high on a plain somewhere in space.
(much like looking across the grand canyon, I also had a distinct feeling I would see this sight again)


My documentation of this experience must start with being without self, self is mortal. This is freedom from I, to recall in words if possible is this.

It was the universe of power. It was the network, field, and the lines of the energies of all the beings, stars, galaxies of stars, worlds, animals, minds, nerves, dust, the flux/vibration that is Being itself, all interconnected, every part, part of another part and the whole part of each part and so comprehensible to Itself only as a whole, boundless and unclosed...

The cosmic illumination which can only be described as a brilliant white light, the memory of this experience will always remain--for in these few seconds I received more knowledge and understanding then I had ever received in my years of reading and studying. The Truth is constant, it’s predictable.



The chief powers (tools if you will) of the conscious mind are reason, logic, form, judgment, calculation, conscience and the moral sense.

The conscious mind is the outgrowth of our physical necessities and likewise our guide in the struggle with our material environment. Its highest function is that of reasoning, and by all methods-- inductive and deductive, analytical and synthetic.

The proper and rational attitude toward mind, if that’s what they are is one of scientific inquiry, which through rigorous exacting will not resist conviction when incontestable proof has been obtained.

CONCEPTUAL: Inductive method of reasoning utilizing conscience mind.

First collect the facts and elements presented to the sense perception; compare them with each other, noting similarities and dissimilarities; select those alike in quality in uses or function; after which one can form a generalization (a law if you will) that certain things which have such qualities will function in such a way.
This is the scientific method of arriving at knowledge...


If desired result is not forthcoming

"Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find"

Herein is created a new mode of perception and feeling, which leads to the discovery of nonrational (but not irrational) forms of logic, which are multilevel/integrated/simultaneous, not linear/sequential/either-or.


In terms of the brain, enlightenment seems to involve a repatterning of neural networks. Whereas before there were unconnected areas of the brain's nervous system, in enlightenment there is a breakthrough, which results in an integration of the nerve pathways, by which we think and feel.

Our multiple "brains" become one brain. The neocortex (the "thinking-intellect" part) and the limbic system and thalamus (the "feeling-emotion" part) and the medulla oblongata (the "intuition-unconscious" part) attain a previously non-existent-but always possible-mode of intercellular communication.

A threshold is passed-probably explained in terms of both cellular electrochemical change and growth of new nerve endings. However it is accomplished in neuropsychological terms, though, the result is a new state of consciousness.


Try to conceive creation as having five levels. From bottom to top they are atomic, biological, psychological, social and cosmic. If you search for the ultimate question "Who am I?” everything you examine will dissolve into the other categories of this metaphor. Start in the middle. You study Psychology and soon the psychological brings you to the social through group psychology. On the social level, group psychology extends into sociology, which in turn leads to a study of religion and philosophy. From there you find yourself concerned with the meaning of existence and the relation of men to the universe. You are now on a study of the cosmic.

Going downward in search of an answer to the question "Who am I?" you soon pass from psychology to a study of biology and chemistry. As you seek to know yourself better you study

cellular composition and neural networks and the chemistry of emotion, perception, learning and memory. But in seeking to understand mentality you find that soon you have descended to the atomic level and are considering the structure of DNA, the transmission of atomic radiation and quantum theory. All of which brings you down to the top level!

For subatomic physics leads you into the study of matter and anti-matter on a cosmic scale. Cosmology is that branch of metaphysics, which treats of the character of the universe as an orderly system. The underlying unity of all knowledge brings you full circle and demonstrates the validity of the ancient saying: "As above, so below."


An uncompromising introspection can bring one to a state of salvation.

The mystical state is beyond words and is highly emotional, the unifying principal at work in illumination dissolves the learned semantic categories of "thought vs. "feeling" and "reason vs. "emotion." In the mystical state, intellect and intuition merge. There is a fusion of insight and instinct, which results in a new condition of being.

Our normal state of consciousness shuts off awareness of our affinity with creation, our union with the divine. But if we are normally in a state of sensory repression, it is of equal importance in the study of consciousness to note that man's capacity to modify or edit his sensory processes means that he is capable of exaggerating or enhancing them to animal-like sensitivity, as well as inhibiting them.

This is what seemed to occur in my experience of ecstasy, where I became hypersensitive to all kinds of stimuli. Ecstasy is the transport out of a biologically and culturally mode of thought and perception into a mystic mode. In that mode man returns to a primal state of affairs. But the return is on a higher level.

It is both a circle (revolution) and a linear progression (evolution): an upward spiraling. Man regains his primitive condition, but rather than being unconscious or unaware of it, as animals are, he is superconscious of it. It is paradoxical: By recovering his animal nature, man becomes God. As Christ was Son of Man so are we all Sons of God. (John 3:13).


Man appears to be constructed in the matter of Yeats' intersecting gyres or as a minature model of the doughnut shaped Van Allen radiation belt surrounding a planet, we are one in the form of many, a whirling vortex if you will in a cosmic reality. Energy cannot die, it can only change states. My bet is another reality after death.....

Now if I could only get that 450sl from running too rich.


What would I like on my gravestone??

"I told you I was sick!"

Last edited by Chaosmosis; 06-21-2004 at 08:07 PM.
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