Thread: Octane?
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Old 08-13-2004, 10:07 PM
Duke2.6 Duke2.6 is offline
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You can try it, but listen for detonation, which is most likely at low revs/high load. I run regular unleaded in my car with no signficant detonation, but I only drive it during the winter months, so the cooler inlet air temperatures help reduce detonation tendency. When I drove it year round it would sometimes detonate slightly on hot summer days in traffic with the AC, even though I used premium.

I've had to modify my driving habits a bit by not short shifting and loading the engine quickly. With an auto. trans, the torque converter reduces the amount you can load the engine at low revs relative to a manual trans.


Last edited by Duke2.6; 08-14-2004 at 12:13 AM.
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