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Old 11-19-2004, 04:23 PM
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phidauex phidauex is offline
BioDiesel Hopeful
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: St. Louis, MO
Posts: 806
Making biodiesel is easier than you think! In fact, titrating is easier than you think. It actually takes longer to read HOW to titrate than it actually takes to do the titration. Once you get your little titration kit together, you can test oil in about 2 minutes. You can even do the titration on the hood of your car behind a restraunt for instant data.

However, its always easiest if you can find someone nearby who you can work on a few batches with just to get your confidence up.

If you want a good book about it which is up-to-date and very practicality oriented, check out Maria 'girl mark' Alovert's book: Its a home printed thing, but is based on LOTS of experience and good ideas. I spent a few days with mark when she was in town doing the biodiesel workshops, and she's a really straightforward person and she really knows what she's talking about, and what the challenges are for homebrewers.

"That f***in' biodiesel is makin' me hungry."

1982 300TD Astral Silver w/ 250k (BIO BNZ)
2001 Aprilia SR50 Corsa Red w/ 5.5k (>100 MPG)

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