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Old 12-22-2004, 10:57 AM
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Botnst Botnst is offline
Join Date: Jun 2003
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The problem with SSI is that it requires a certain number of people working to support one retiree. The proportion of people working to retirees is shrinking.

I understand that SS has about a 2-3% return on investment. A worker could beat that with an CD, not to mention a 401k.

All that wealth confiscated by the state is lost to the wage earner.

I wish that 20 years ago I could have goten out of SS and take every dime I stuck in there. I'd invest in a 401k that tracks the S&P and in gov bonds. I'd be worth twice what I am now and on retirement, have plenty to live off of and also a legacy for my kids. They get zip from the money put into SS.
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