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Old 03-01-2005, 05:42 PM
A264172 A264172 is offline
Ta ra ra boom de ay
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Pittsburgh
Posts: 1,915
(These are JPEGS coppied from the factory manual, you can copy them into MS Word or something else and print them out but the text cannot be edited.)
Here are some pictures from pages in the manual that may help:
Attached Thumbnails
Duty cycle 84%?  What does this mean?-fd1.jpg   Duty cycle 84%?  What does this mean?-fd2.jpg   Duty cycle 84%?  What does this mean?-fd3.jpg   Duty cycle 84%?  What does this mean?-fd4.jpg   Duty cycle 84%?  What does this mean?-fd5.jpg  


1986 300E 220,000 miles+ transmission impossible
(Now waiting under a bridge in order to become one)

Reading your M103 duty cycle:

Last edited by A264172; 03-02-2005 at 08:59 AM.
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