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Old 04-08-2005, 07:54 AM
Posts: n/a
The camera seems to lack the whole light level adjustment!...its probably an old webcam/cam setup.

I am still not too sure about that fuel mileage. I imagine you could increase the centane enough to get such numbers however I don't think most people buying the car care what sort of fuel mileage numbers it gets when being bottle fed...right?

Also, if he is going to combat someones questions about said things he should probably not referr to his diesel as having a throttle (since he is obviously Diesel Ron!) and it having a fuel rail. At 700RPM idle the engine should not shake PERIOD with this much bottle feeding and presumeably some "throttle adjustments".
Why did the transmission need adjusting...hmm?

And I know I am all for driving a car 2000 miles with a broken drivers window motor/regulator and a non-working AC....
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