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Old 04-13-2005, 03:05 PM
Duke2.6 Duke2.6 is offline
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The tech has to do a visual inspection to be sure that all emssion equipment is installed. This is somewhat cursory, and given the hundreds of different configurations and experience of the tech, it may be real cursory. Usually what they do is look at the emission control/tuneup label, which has codes for various emission control equipment, like "OC" for oxidizing catalyst, "TWC" for three way catalysts (which also means there is an O2 sensor) and EGR. They also look at the EVAP system (what they can see of it) and for any obvious tampering.

Ten minutes seems like an awfully long time for just the visual The test on my 190 last month probably took no longer than ten minutes from the time the tech drove it into the bay to the time he drove it out, so this included typing the info into the computer and running the loaded test, checking the timing and doing the visual. I wonder if your tech was playing some games.

If they want to do the visual AFTER the loaded test, it's okay to shut off the engine, but I'm not sure if the procedure allows the visual to be done after the test. The test procedure is very specific. You need to have a heart to heart chat with these guys and get and understanding that they WILL NOT shut off the engine prior to running the tailpipe test.

With one exception, which was the f-----g Referee of all places, a tech has never shut off the engine while doing the visual on any of my cars. This dimbulb kept shutting my car off to answer the phone, and I told him to do the job and let the phone ring. This occured twice and the third time we really got into it. He finally tested the car, and it passed. I wrote an angry letter to the BAR Director about the conduct of this guy and got a letter of apology back. Not long after, the referee contract went to another vendor.


Last edited by Duke2.6; 04-13-2005 at 03:17 PM.
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