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Old 02-12-2011, 11:05 AM
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dynalow dynalow is offline
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The cover story on Time last week was an article about Obama's keen interest in Reagan's presidency.

Seems that Obama called a number of historians to the WH last year once or twice to discuss past presidents. I think it was Douglas Brinkley who mentioned that Obama was most interested in Reagan's presidency.

Reagan had 3 or 4 summits with the Russians during his 2 terms. I remember he remarked they kept dying on him before he could get anything accomplished. IIRC, at one point he decided to put ABM missles (Pershings?) in W. Germany and maybe Turkey. Any he called them the Evil Empire along the way. The left was apoplectic over this.

Fast forward to Reykjavic in the summer of 1986. Gorby wants to eliminate all missles if we abandon SDI. Reagan says no will do. Summitt ends. Resut: Gorby goes to DC in Dec. 2007 and signs the most comprehensive missile treaty ever, eliminating ALL intermediate range nuclear weapons.

He had stagecraft sure. More importantly, he had "statecraft" .

To ignore his successes and simply pass him off as a likeable buffon, as many do, is just plain ingorance or willful deception.

Here's 8 minutes of history..from the players involved...on both sides of the globe.

I'll leave telling the ATC's to "F" off, then firing them for another thread. Likewise his collaboration with leading DEMOCRATS to overhaul the Tax code in 1986. Closest thing we have ever had or will ever have to a "Flat Tax".

Just sayin'.
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