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Old 05-04-2011, 01:44 PM
roflwaffle roflwaffle is offline
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Originally Posted by Craig View Post
I understand, but you are assuming a continued rate of technological development that exceeds both the industrialization of the current population and the future increase in population. I'm less confident than you. I just don't see a world with an increasing population obtaining western standards of living anytime soon.
I doubt they will, the current western lifestyle is too destructive for even the western world to keep up for much longer. It's also nuts to correlate population numbers with environmental impact. The wealthiest nations in the world have roughly half of the total environmental impact. So about 1 billion people are causing the same impact as the other ~6 billion. Remove the national boundaries and I bet we would have something like the ~200 million wealthiest people causing the same damage as the other ~6,800 million. That's not a problem with population, that's a problem with the lifestyles of the rich and famous.
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