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Old 05-04-2011, 05:53 PM
roflwaffle roflwaffle is offline
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Originally Posted by Craig View Post
Wait 20 years, that will change.
It may, but that doesn't change the big picture. Whether there are 200 million rich individuals causing most of the damage to the planet out of a population of 7000 million or 300 million out of a population of 10000 million (or whatever the specifics are), the wealthy are causing disproportionately more damage than everyone else. Comapling because there are a few thousand billion more poor people when a hundred million rich people cause just as much if not more damage is not a population problem. If the damage was evenly distributed and pretty much independent of income then it would be a population problem, but until then it's a resource consumption problem caused by a relatively small portion of the world population.
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