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Old 05-07-2011, 01:23 AM
roflwaffle roflwaffle is offline
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There's no assumption that human civilization can do it's thing w/o any damage to the environment, however minimizing costs otoh isn't a bad idea, especially if we're looking at stuff that isn't "mission critical", like shrimp farming.

And no, there are no "bad bad capitalists", just *******s and dumbasses. The people buying the shrimp are *******s, because if they were really capitalists they would pay for and own the levelized costs of mangrove destruction (capitalize the externalized costs) like soil erosion and increased damage from storms, but they don't because it's cheaper for them to socialize those costs. The people who are providing the shrimp are either *******s because they aren't charging for the externalized costs to make themselves rich or are dumbasses because they don't know they should charging for the externalized costs.

Besides, this isn't anti-western, this is anti-rich. A homeless person living off hand-outs and garbage is as western as anyone else, but they aren't the ones causing most of the trouble. Even the working class guy commuting 20 miles a day in his econobox isn't that bad. It's the rich mofos flying to Hawaii (or where-ever) every weekend to have shrimp and caviar, and that is not a uniquely western thing.
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