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Old 05-07-2011, 08:21 AM
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chilcutt chilcutt is offline
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Originally Posted by frankengrant View Post
This is exactly why we need to fund more birth control for all countries, and why we should probably institute a single or two child limit. We are approaching or already have passed the carrying capacity of the world. We cannot continue to grow at this rate for long, especially without drastically changing our lifestyles.

There are not enough resources to support everyone in world if they wanted to live an American lifestyle. To support 10 billion people, most people will need to become vegetarians....
Who is 'WE'?
..Hitler tried to reduce the earths population.
The thought of Americans (if this is your plan) believing they should monitor and control other country's just plain ill.
The secret to a long life. Is knowing when it is time to leave.
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