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Old 10-14-2011, 05:51 PM
Billybob Billybob is offline
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Originally Posted by MTI View Post
I believe that the vast majority of Uganda's population self identifies as "Christian" with the Catholics being the largest group. The LRA's achievements to date might not not be what anyone considers the actions of a "Christian Army." Recall that this is the nation that earlier wanted to criminalize homosexuality, but has since put the bill on hold.
So the Dear Leader supports the government which has sought to crimminalize homosexuality! And sends the US military personnel to assist in removing the LRA from the battlefield the homosexual criminalizing government is losing.

And to think it was only a few years ago that voice of the liberal/progressive/wacko chourus was loud and united against involvement in civil warfare such as in Iraq, my how times have changed!

Libyan rebels good Dear Leader commits US to their victory, Ugandan rebels bad Dear Leader commits US to their defeat, US involvement in civil warfare in Iraq treason.
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