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Old 02-27-2012, 05:22 PM
barry123400 barry123400 is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Nova Scotia, Canada.
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It is unfortunate that the financial affairs in north america at government levels have not been run properly and that inflation is going to be prevelant for quite some years ahead as a direct result.. I can see no alternative to this. We have to in the final anylasis to pay for this as a population. There still is no free lunch.

What is even worse is the chances of a non defict driven type of government coming to power is highly unlikely. So the rate of inflation will increase over time. The old laws of supply and demand have themselves been manipulated around quite successfully in my opinion. I see more monopolies than ever before present currently and growing.

I think what may be somewhat new is there is not the likelyhood of earnings rising in any semblance of a lockstep fashion this time. Usually for example when automotive costs rise our paid milage rate is increased to compensate.

Instead we are hearing the budgets have to be cut instead. I do not grocery shop very often myself. Yet when I do the prices are obviously escallating. Along with insurance and propety taxes on an every year fairly stiff basis currently.

Personally I think the mess in that area is just stil on the threshhold of getting rolling. It is about the only assist I can visualise to increase property values again. Of course it will not really represent a return to old values but will fool many in my opinion.

The standard of living has to fall in north america to what is possible to sustain as well. If the effort to resist it is too prolonged things will get very serious. Inflation can accomplish this great leveling to come quite well over time. Only the rate of increase is somewhat managable at this time. At some point even that will not be with todays policies..

Last edited by barry123400; 02-27-2012 at 05:38 PM.
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