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Old 11-13-2012, 09:07 PM
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Originally Posted by aklim View Post
Wouldn't sucking up be reserved for when that person you suck up to can do you major favors? Not sure what BC can do for me at this time.

I happen to appreciate being able to count on a person to do as they say. Sadly, that is a scarce trait and we have total inconsistency where you say one thing but do another. To that end. I'd much rather have an employee that is consistent but not stellar as opposed to a stellar employee that performs when they feel like it. I have always appreciated it when someone can do something on principle and be consistent as opposed to a "definite maybe". I prefer to work off principles as opposed to "as the spirit moves me".

Anybody can say that they are principled and actually carry it out when it suits them. Carrying it out when it is AGAINST you is more difficult. Everyone can support the SCOTUS when they rule the way they think. At which time, the SCOTUS is full of saints. When they are ruled against, the SCOTUS is full of scum. Consistency.
I got no argument with any of that, Aklim. Laud and magnify thy name.
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