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Old 08-19-2013, 07:13 PM
Stoney Stoney is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 176
Very glad that it was caught early enough to take action without major surgery! Best thougts and prayers going out to you and her for along time ahead!

I have had several small skin issues of late, glad I have a good dermal guy and an A-1 GP. Did the lower end pipe last year during a low Red Cell issue (everyone thought I had a bleeding ulcer or colon - I was worried about Lukemia and Colon Cancer),
and discovered that i have developed a form of Anemia that is prevalent in Northen Europeans. Hey I have no problem shooting myself up with B-12 every 2 weeks compared with Chemo or Radiation (though I was in both the Three Mile island and Chernobyl fallout I think I( have enough extra RADS to go around).

Truly, your partner is a lucky woman and you are lucky to have her, smile and take it for what it is telling is good.
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