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Old 05-30-2014, 03:08 PM
Chris W. Chris W. is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 902
Remove each bolt on the vac pump a little at a time so that the pump will come off parallel to the block rather than getting cocked. So loosen all bolts round the perimeter a bit at a time, round and round. It can get cocked if the roller on the pump is on the high side of the "timing device" or ramp which the roller rides on. That sentence will make sense after you see what's under the pump... Hopefully your roller and the bearings are still intact. If not, put a magnet on your oil drain plug and collect as many balls as possible. I still have one ball floating around somewhere in my engine, but I've been driving like that for more than 100K.

Chris W.
'95 E300D, 420K
Objects in closer are mirror than they appear.
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