Thread: Pet deer
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Old 07-05-2020, 03:12 PM
Mxfrank Mxfrank is offline
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The former owners of our house used to feed the deer. They had a feeding trough and salt lick set up for them. When we moved in, we were surprised that the deer population was about five per acre. Although we stopped feeding them, they came around out of habit, and passed the knowledge to their young. Hostas? Eaten to a nub. Rhoodendron? eaten to bare branches. Everything from ground level to six feet was leafless. The males would work the skin off their antlers by rubbing on the trees...several large trees were actually killed in this way. We reluctantly opened the property to bow hunting. It took three seasons to persuade the deer that it wasn't safe here any longer. So believe me when I tell you that ahhh cute gets old very fast. Don't make a pet of them.
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