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Old 11-18-2004, 05:29 PM
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KirkVining KirkVining is offline
Join Date: Apr 2004
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As I mentioned before, most of the "Nazi Gun Control" stuff is myth. The Nazis took guns away from their political opponents, and let those who supported Nazism continue to have them. As the war loomed closer to Germany, they passed out weapons like candy at a picnic. A totalitarian government has nothing to fear from an armed citizenry if they have broad support. Look at Saddam's government - we think his people lived under some slave-yoke, when the real fact is anyone could buy an AK47 in downtown Baghdad for $5, and when he held rallies, the big danger was getting killed by a stray bullet fired by one of his supporters as they fired into the air while he spoke. In America, for God knows what reason, the right wing is armed, and the left wing isn't, so instead of not having a parallel to Germany, you in fact have one that is exactly parallel. The supporters of the One Party State are armed, while the "Jew" aka "Liberals" are not.
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