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Old 11-18-2004, 06:07 PM
dolebludger dolebludger is offline
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Posts: 194
I tend to agree that there is no parallel on the issue of gun control. But another issue on which I see a BIG parallel with Nazi Germany is the intertwining of religion and government. Both then and there and here and now, the national leader has established a certian form of religion to which one must adhere to be in the "in crowd." And the national leader here and now is working hard to make himself a sort of a "leader" within that sort of religion. There are differences, sure. Adolf Hitler did not select from one of the existing types of religion and interject himself into that, as our President seems to be doing. As we all know, Hitler established a form of "worship of nation", on whose side God was of course said to be on, and Hitler set himself up directly as the leader of that "religion". But to go as far as Bush seems to be going in openly intertwining religion and government in what is supposed to be a Constitutionally secular nation is too close a parallel for my comfort. How about you?

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