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Old 09-11-2005, 03:22 PM
Rob Pruijt Rob Pruijt is offline
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Join Date: Dec 1999
Location: Utrecht, the Netherlands
Posts: 415
It is possible to remove the switches from the top, but you will risk damaging the wood. Removing the wooden panel is very easy, so there is no point in taking that risk.

-Open ashtray and take it out of holder.
-Remove two screws holding holder to centre console
-push holder back and pull it out with bracket (the thing that was fixed with the two screws. You can disconnect the electric cable and lamp, usually not neccesary.
-remove coin cup
-slide wood panel with switches forward an lift up

Now you can reach the window switch. It is easier to remove the switch if you disconnect all the electic plugs an take the wooden panel completely out.

NEVER pry the the plastic bezel from around the shifter assembly.
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