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Old 02-26-2006, 11:21 AM
cabogordon cabogordon is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 7
Check Engine Light question from a idiot

1.After you got the 10 flashes , hold again for 2-3 sec for the next code , and so on..

3.After all codes have been retrieved , then the 10 will reappear , telling you
the process has been completed. [ the codes come up in numerical sequence]

Question:How do you know when all codes have been retrieved ?

4.if you want to clear the codes , you hold the sw for 8 sec after each code appears.. that will cancel/clear THAT previous code .. to clear all codes , you have to do that after each code.

Question: What your saying is that after each code ( whethe it be 6 flashes or 26 flashes ) after it comes up then hold SW for 8 seconds.

5.Then turn key off 10 secs , on 30 sec and start car.. CE will then go out
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