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Old 01-23-2010, 11:00 AM
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Originally Posted by kaiz3n View Post
@Junkman - I have audiobooks on my Garmin and can put it through the car stereo via the headphone Jack which is great. Lol thanks for the new revolution. Apparently I am a bigger geek than everybody in this forum. =)

@Craig - I don't like talking on the phone while driving but then again I'm the guy in the right lane doing the speed limit laughing at everyone elses antics -- so I don't have to worry about the guy infront of my slamming on his brakes hard because I am usually more than 6 car lengths behind the guy in front.

As for bluetooth my experience is that they are hard to hear (ive had a few) but the iPhone comes with awesome headphones that have a mic. They are perfect for talking on the phone and honesty if I don't have you on speaker phone I probably have the headphones on.

Again the main reason to use the laptop would be to entertain the two passengers.
On my blackberry I have incredible bluetooth performance. The old headsets back in the day really did suck. My bluetooth ht820 headphones rock as a handsfree device.

I don't own a GPS so I can't answer. My blackberry does that though
-Typos courtesy of my mobile phone.
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