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Old 06-04-2021, 11:03 PM
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Originally Posted by coachgeo View Post
so what did you go with again? shore 40? ...
found it; the shore(s) he used to fill motor mounts. This post is a synopsis of his shore trials in this thread. Main thing is his final test was shore 30A.. and that has held up thru at least 2020. sweeeeet.

The post below was the first to show what he used on trial one to fill the motor mounts. Apologize... at first seems I skimmed thru this thread too fast and missed his iterations.

380SL Diesel Conversion Project

In that post he reported trying shore 75D, while in a later post... said 75A ( 380SL Diesel Conversion Project ) ...... Maybe he tried both??

note: A link in another post; in this thread, linked to where he got the 75?. This link seems to point to Shore D was his first trial.... definitely not soft.. it is near as hard as a hard hat.. There is a big difference between A and D but both are hard for motor mounts unless your a drag race machine. . How is shore measured???. A is measured with a more blunt object to develop its rating while D is measured with a sharper point.

as you can see 75D is as hard as a hard hat; 75A still teeth rattle a bit (80A is common for street racers it appears).

later he stated in this thread he was having vibration issues ... appears; he discovered the 75? was too hard and causing this...... (makes since looking at below) he settled with another set of mounts he filled with shore 30A....

A different more recent thread on this topic shows that the OEM MB motor for the OM617's mount is likely shore 40-45A rubber.... thus his final setup at shore 30A as a filler... begins to make ton of sense. Glad to hear this has held up well for nearly a decade.

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Last edited by coachgeo; 06-04-2021 at 11:48 PM.
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