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Old 11-21-2004, 07:44 PM
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phidauex phidauex is offline
BioDiesel Hopeful
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: St. Louis, MO
Posts: 806
Here is a link to a list of common agricultural items and their oil yield per acre:

It doesn't list algae, because algae oil production is still experimental, and those high numbers are still theoretical, I don't think anyone is doing large scale algae oil collection yet. However, everything I've heard so far suggests that it could be a great alternative.

"That f***in' biodiesel is makin' me hungry."

1982 300TD Astral Silver w/ 250k (BIO BNZ)
2001 Aprilia SR50 Corsa Red w/ 5.5k (>100 MPG)

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