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Old 03-27-2007, 12:43 AM
Bill Wood's Avatar
Retired Webmaster
Join Date: Mar 1999
Location: Johns Creek, GA, USA
Posts: 5,013
Question How do I Search for information?

The good news is that there's TONS of great information on PeachParts!

The bad news is that you can't possibly read over a million posts to find the information you need.

The answer is to USE THE SEARCH TOOLS!!!
NOTE - You must be a registered Shop Forum member to use all of the search tools available.

There are 4 search tools. Learn to use them and you will be amazed at the information on this little website.

1) PeachParts Google Custom Search- This is the search form near the top of our Home Page and within the Shop Forum. You can search most all sections of our website with this tool and you can use multiple terms in your search. It is EXTREMELY useful and the best place to start your search for information.

NOTE - If you are not a registered Shop Forum member you can still use the search tool located near the top of our home page.

To use this search within the Shop Forum click the search button near the upper right corner of any page:

This will open up a search box that looks like this:

Type your search into the Google Custom Search box and click "Search". You will be taken to a page containing your search results.

2) Shop Forum Search - This is the search form built into the Shop Forum and it only searches for information there. The DIY Wiki, for example, is not included in the search. It is located near the top of the Shop Forum between "New Posts" and "Quick Links". There is a link that says "Search" with a little down arrow next to it. If you click "Search" you will get a form that says "Search Forums". You can enter one or more words into the form, click "Go" and it will search for all words. Each word must contain 3 or more characters. The fewer words you type in the search field at one time the better your results will be.

At the bottom of the search form there is a link that says "Advanced Search". If you click on that it will take you HERE. Advanced search is useful because you can limit your search to a single forum within the Shop Forum and/or limit your search to a post or thread made by a specific user. There are also options to limit by date.

3) Thread Search - This search can only be found when you are actually reading a thread. Look for a link near the top of the thread that says "Search this Thread". This function is extremely useful for searching for information within a thread that's several pages long. As with the Shop Forum search described above, you can only search for words containing 3 or more characters and the fewer words you type in the search field at one time the better your results will be. There is also an "Advanced Search" function that allows you to search by User Name and date.

4) DIY Wiki Search - This search link can be found near the top of the DIY Articles page (also known as the DIY Wiki). As the name implies, this search engine only searches the DIY Articles that are in the Wiki. Here's a direct link to the DIY Wiki Search.

Before you post a question on PeachParts' Mercedes Shop Forum it's always best to try searching for the answer first. Very likely, the answer is already here. Now that you know how to use the Search Tools you should be able to find the information you seek. Good luck and happy searching!

Bill Wood - Retired Webmaster
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