Hi, First I'd like to say that this so far looks like the best MB forum I have found for tech support. I am actually a VW guy, but stumbled upon an 85 190E 2.3 5spd for a great deal.... you don't even want to know how much I paid for it.
I know it was imported in 86. It has a manual sunroof, manual rear windows (power front), and manual transmission. It also has the three dial climate control.
The climate control does absolutely nothing. The only thing that happens is smoke comes out of the vents if the fan is turned on. its a really light smoke, but its smoke. Winter is coming and I need that heat. I could care less about the AC.
I would think that its just the fan motor that is bad, but when I turn the dial to heat I can't feel any heat at all. From my experience even if a fan motor isn't operating you should still feel slight heat at the vents. I dont feel any. And the smoke... I dont know what to think about the smoke.
Please help! I don't even know where to start.