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Old 05-10-2008, 07:01 PM
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Hydrogen systems- has anyone had success?

I live in Ca. Fuel has hit 4.55 gallon.

Is there anyone that has had success with the system? 3% is not success in my opinion.

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Hydrogen systems- has anyone had success?-water-4-gas-diagram%5B1%5D.jpg  
Old 05-10-2008, 07:36 PM
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I installed one on my 77 300d turbo and immediately saw a 50% increase in fuel mileage. The only drawback was that tap water was not quite as effective as expensive mineral waters so the final outcome was only a 25% increase in fuel economy. Unfortunately it increased the 'hydro'carbon output in my exhaust and I failed the emissions test. I don't know how to solve this problem.
1977 300d 70k--sold 08
1985 300TD 185k+
1984 307d 126k--sold 8/03
1985 409d 65k--sold 06
1984 300SD 315k--daughter's car
1979 300SD 122k--sold 2/11
1999 Fuso FG Expedition Camper
1993 GMC Sierra 6.5 TD 4x4
1982 Bluebird Wanderlodge CAT 3208--Sold 2/13
Old 05-10-2008, 07:38 PM
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Take it off for the test... Then put it back on...
83 300SD Dark Silver Dark brown inside
Old 05-10-2008, 08:26 PM
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Originally Posted by kerry View Post
I installed one on my 77 300d turbo and immediately saw a 50% increase in fuel mileage. The only drawback was that tap water was not quite as effective as expensive mineral waters so the final outcome was only a 25% increase in fuel economy. Unfortunately it increased the 'hydro'carbon output in my exhaust and I failed the emissions test. I don't know how to solve this problem.

how about distilled water? have you tried that?
1982 300sd from craigslist $800 greased on one tank with NO CONVERSION in the Hot Texas Sun. (currently dead & awaiting engine damage investigation and/or longblock swap)
new daily: '03 vw 5speed jetta tdi wagon. bagged&chipped
Old 05-10-2008, 08:31 PM
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100% money robbing scam.

It, just like EVERY other hydrogen/HHO/browns gas "generator" out there, is a simple middle school level science project that an 8 year old can build. Its simple electrolysis. It consists of a jar, water, baking soda, and electricity. There is NO possible way it is worth even remotely close to the $97 asking price. They are making nearly 900% profit on it!


Review your laws of thermodynamics before you blow money on such major scams. There is no possible way it can significantly increase efficiency or produce enough browns gas/HHO/Hydrogen gas without consuming more fuel to generate the required electricity.

Electrolysis is very inefficient. It takes more energy to drive the alternator to make the electricity to do the electrolysis than you will get back from burning the hydrogen as fuel.

Simplified math of cycle.

Electrical generating efficiency of alternator roughly 93%
Electrolysis efficiency 70% ( a very high value obtained through actual experiments )
Diesel cycle efficiency 54% (highest ever observed in actual engine)

Now lets take 5Kw of mechanical energy and run it through the hydrogen generation cycle.

5 x .93 = 4.65 Kw of electrical energy
4.65 x .7 = 3.255 Kw of hydrogen energy

Now lets run that through the diesel cycle

3.255 x .54 = 1.758 Kw of mechanical energy.
So basically, you use 6.7hp to produce 2.36hp using a really old and obvious piece of technology.

So in the end the most you will ever get back about 35% of the energy you expended making the hydrogen.

Conclusions: Losing proposition.

Anyone that pays actual money for scams like that needs to retake their middle school science classes. That includes all forms of MPG scams- Acetone in the fuel, fuel line magnets, propane injection, intake tornadoes, special gas caps, fuel catalysts, octane boosters, cetane boosters, electric superchargers, MAF sensor resistors, O2 sensor resistors and throttle spacers.

NONE of them significantly improve MPG and ALL of them simply drain your wallet of money. Fuel only contains X amount of energy, the first law of thermodynamics says that energy can not be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another. Converting energy into different forms (fuel-mechanical-electrical-electrochemical-mechanical as in the case of the hydrogen generators) results in heat production and energy losses that cannot be regained.

Energy cannot come out of nowhere, if you want to reduce consumption then you need to reduce power demand.
Get all your maintenance up to date.
Use synthetic oil.
Disable your EGR.
Advance injection timing by 2degrees.
Keep the engine at 180*F, no higher.
Use clean fuel from a clean, high traffic station.
Don't gum up the engine with vegetable oil.
Air up your tires to the proper PSI for your vehicle (NOT what it says on the tire sidewall).
Get rid of any unnecessary objects obstructing airflow (spoiler on the trunk lid for example).
Lower the vehicle weight (Remove unused seats, clean out the trunk, don't carry gallons of spare fluids, etc)
Drive 55mph instead of 75mph.
Roll down the windows instead of using the A/C.
If you have a Diesel there are several modifications/swaps that can significantly improve MPG).

I went from averaging 21.1mpg in 06 to 23.4mpg in 07 to 27mpg so far this year by following those steps, driving like a sane person, installing special injectors, installing a higher ratio differential, and improving my turbo's airflow management.
Old 05-10-2008, 08:39 PM
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Originally Posted by pgringo View Post
how about distilled water? have you tried that?
I've heard coyote urine gets the job done for peak efficiency, but since I'm on a budget I have to settle for cheap pheasant-based synthetics.

1989 Volvo 745- 202K
Old 05-10-2008, 08:41 PM
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Look on You tube

Look on You tube. How many people are saying that it is actually working? They are not selling any items or propaganda.

Kerry- have you tried to buy minerals or? In bulk?

Is there anyone else that has done the addition? I would build my own system. I would not buy the system. I am putting an example up for evaluation.

Too many people are documenting success not to question it.

Thank you

Old 05-10-2008, 08:49 PM
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damn. where'd you learn all that? google?
If it ain't broke take it apart and find out why.

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1994 C280
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1996 HD Road King

Ride in Peace Eric Peterson, Harley of Macon
Old 05-10-2008, 08:54 PM
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Originally Posted by ForcedInduction View Post
It does not work. IT IS A SCAM.

Review the first law of thermodynamics.
LOL, I think P.T. Barnum had it right after-all.

BTW, this is my favorite definition of the three laws:

1. You cannot win (that is, you cannot get something for nothing, because matter and energy are conserved).

2. You cannot break even (you cannot return to the same energy state, because there is always an increase in disorder; entropy always increases).

3. You cannot get out of the game (because absolute zero is unattainable).
Old 05-10-2008, 08:55 PM
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My post was tongue in cheek. I thought the 77 Turbo reference would give it away.
1977 300d 70k--sold 08
1985 300TD 185k+
1984 307d 126k--sold 8/03
1985 409d 65k--sold 06
1984 300SD 315k--daughter's car
1979 300SD 122k--sold 2/11
1999 Fuso FG Expedition Camper
1993 GMC Sierra 6.5 TD 4x4
1982 Bluebird Wanderlodge CAT 3208--Sold 2/13
Old 05-10-2008, 08:59 PM
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Originally Posted by kerry View Post
My post was tongue in cheek. I thought the 77 Turbo reference would give it away.
Too subtle.
Old 05-10-2008, 09:00 PM
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Well, we have heard from the people that say no way.

Is there anyone else who has actually done it? Other than one person.

I know many guys running vegetable oil for many years. 100,000+ miles talks.

You can throw all the theory and negative comments you wish.

It has been my experience that those to talk a lot. DO NOT DO.

Are there any other guys who have actually done it. So far, the only one reported success.
Old 05-10-2008, 09:04 PM
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People fall for these things because they have read from authoritative sources that their engine is about 30% efficient. Then when the snake-oil salesman tells them that they are only burning 30% of their fuel, they believe it.

In reality, you burn nearly all of the fuel in the engine. The <1% that you do not burn is not enough to affect mileage noticeably.

Of course, 70% of the energy is being released as heat. If there comes about a technology which does improve mileage, you can be sure that it is because less heat is being wasted. They will indeed dwell on this fact.
Old 05-10-2008, 09:06 PM
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Thank you to all

The only option is a Vespa! GRRRRRRR
Old 05-10-2008, 09:07 PM
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No one in this universe, that "one person" was pulling your leg (see his later post).

It is not physically possible.

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