I just recently purchased this 560 with 120,000 miles. The following service has been done recently: Timing chain, Valve seals, new injectors. The car was running fine until the other day i was coasting down the street using the cruise control (which hardly ever works, but worked at that time) when the engine began to miss. The miss is consistent..as if one cylinder isn't firing properly. I have done the following. CO mixture set (Duty cycle=50%, -2Ma), New plugs (W7DC), checked ignition wires (OK), cleaned cap and rotor, took apart Overvoltage relay and resoldered all connections,verified all vacuum connections, and reset computer. All I can say is I'm stumped...I can usually figure this stuff out but not this time. I have also added injector cleaner...no help. Any other ideas would be appreciated. (By the way great Site!)
One more thing....While working on this car I noticed a hose from the air pump was off. I replaced it and clamped it down, and within the day it blew off again. Why is there so much pressure here? Is this contibuting to my engine problem? I don't wont this thing to blow my engine seals....should i just leave it disconnected?
[Edited by rsdiocee on 05-24-2001 at 12:15 PM]